
How to Talk So Teens Will Listen and Listen So Teens Will Talk

How to Talk So Teens Will Listen and Listen So Teens Will Talk - Adele Faber, Elaine Mazlish Good information given, but a bit repetitive.

I Want Burning: The Ecstatic World of Rumi, Hafiz, and Lalla

I Want Burning - Coleman Barks Why on earth is there ridiculous music to this...?

Watership Down

Watership Down - Richard Adams,  Ralph Cosham This is quite a long story and I'm glad I was able to listen to the audio book version. Made me look forward to my daily commute.

Watership Down is one of those stories that's easy to immerse into. Though I don't remember thinking that when it was required reading in school...guess that's an example of no two persons reading the same book twice.

I can't quite put into words what I enjoyed about it...but bits of the story have popped into my mind each day since I finished.

Dark Tower: The Gunslinger: The Man in Black

Dark Tower: The Gunslinger: The Man in Black - Robin Furth, Alex Maleev, Stephen King, Peter David The art was an issue for me. It's just not as beautifully executed as the first books. It felt hurried through...

Then Jake...Jake, who is the epitome of cool, the deep thinking, quiet type is represented as almost whiny and bitter, talking entirely too much and saying things that just don't work for his character.

I was disappointed in this graphic novel. It's almost as bad as most Stephen King movies.

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: Douglas Adams Live in Concert

Douglas Adams Live in Concert - Douglas Adams I was mislead by the way the library has this cataloged into thinking I was listening to an audio version of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

I thoroughly enjoyed this reading of random stories from Douglas Adams collection, by Douglas Adams himself.

I haven't read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy yet, but will be moving it up on my list after hearing this.

The Wind Through the Keyhole: A Dark Tower Novel

The Wind Through the Keyhole - Stephen King I've only recently started writing reviews and read this book when it finally arrived last year. I plan to do a more complete review after re-reading it in the suggested place in the DT series.

I understand many folks frustration about TWTtK not actually being a DT novel. But I'm OK with it. The fairy tale Roland tells wrapped within his Skin-Man story is a glimpse into the past of Mid-world. As Roland says in TWL, "The quickest way to learn about a new place is to know what it dreams of." I'm always eager to learn more of Mid-World.

Update after sequential reading:

Yep, I'm still an easily entertained DT fan. I love the story of Tim Stoutheart, and would hear more. Also, more of Vannay. He had almost as much impact on Roland as Cort, but there doesn't seem to be as much about him as Cort. I guess that shows what's valued more, brute strength over mental acuity.

My only issue with the part of this novel that focuses on the journey to the Dark Tower, is that the ka-tet feels different, somehow more emotional, than the rest of the story. Maybe because sai King has emotionally matured himself. Gotten to a point in his life where cherishing relationships is of more importance than when the series was started.

So, again...not really a proper book review. More of a fan's rambling thoughts...

The Gunslinger (The Dark Tower, Book 1)

The Gunslinger  - Stephen King I have been a staunch Constant Reader for far too long to give anything but a biased review of the beginning of the genre bending Dark Tower series. Actually, not so much a review as a fan's recommendation.

The first time I read this, I was 13 and firmly planted in the mythical land of black and white; heroes behaved a certain way, as did villains. In that perspective, Roland had the appearance of a good guy, but made the decisions of a bad guy. I hated him the first time I read this. My attitude towards Roland has changed, from reading the rest of the series as much as from life experience.

Jake, however, I loved from the beginning...and love all his incarnations through out SK's works. In The Gunslinger, my heart went out to him. Jake saw the good in Roland, innocently believing Ronald's better nature would be making the decisions...only to be crushed, again, by the wheel of ka.

The Man in Black is significantly more interesting when not interacted with too much. Here, he is mysterious and powerful. Later, not so much. He is a despicable man who deserves all that happens, and more.

After reading the entire series, this beginning is ever so much better. Seeing Roland begin to love Jake, seeing the steely strength Jake possessed so young and after having been though such strange things. I love Roland and he has a permanent place in my heart, flaws and all. There's no such thing as a black and white world. Good guys can be selfish and do make bad decisions. Sometimes bad guys show mercy or even love. Hayao Miyazaki's films are wonderful examples of this truth.

The Gunslinger, while a pretty good stand alone story, is also a worthwhile introduction to the mythos of the SK universe. As a 20+ year Constant Reader, I recommend it.

Elfquest Reader's Collection #13: The Rebels

ElfQuest 13: The Rebels (Reader's Collection) - Wendy Pini, Richard Pini, Bern Harkins, Ben Horkins It had its better than ok bits, but over all it was just ok.

Worth reading in the overall view of the series, which can be found here: http://www.elfquest.com/gallery/OnlineComics3.html

Elfquest - New Blood

Elfquest New Blood - Wendy Pini, Richard Pini, Delfin Barral Bad...silly and bad.

Their Eyes Were Watching God

Their Eyes Were Watching God - Zora Neale Hurston This novel does an amazing job of elucidating. She throws light on the inner strength that women have...on love...and grief. It's beautiful...read it.

A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius

A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius - Dave Eggers Couldn't actually finish...frustrated I spent so much time trying.